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Hunger News and Trends

Stop Summer Hunger Act Introduced

By May 20, 2014July 16th, 2018No Comments

During the school year, more than 350,000 children rely on free – or reduced-price breakfast, lunch, and snacks at school in Washington State. Each summer, however, many of these children go hungry. Even though many communities participate in the Summer Food Service Program, providing meals and snacks, many families face challenges accessing these programs.

Senator Murray just announced an exciting proposal, the Stop Child Summer Hunger Act, which would provide families with children who receive free – or reduced-price meals an electronic benefit card (EBT) to help purchase needed food during summer months. This approach reduces some of the challenges to getting to summer meal sites, limited meal distribution hours, unfamiliarity with site locations while improving access to culturally appropriate foods.

If you support feeding more children during the summer, please add your name to the list now.

Stop Summer Hunger Infographic

Stop Childhood Summer Hunger Infographic