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Why Mark Wright Loves Hosting Savor

Food Lifeline’s annual SAVOR event is an unforgettable fundraising event and dining experience featuring the region’s finest chefs and wines.

This year’s event is hosted again by one of our favorite people, KING 5 news anchor Mark Wright. We had a chance to catch up with Mark this week to get his take on SAVOR, and why he feels it’s such an important event.

Mark, you’ve hosted SAVOR for several years now, what keeps bringing you back? What makes it special to you?

“Someone was asking me this same question recently, and it occurred to me that what I find the most remarkable is how SAVOR brings together so many talented people.  You have these remarkable chef’s, the wine experts, the team at Food Lifeline, the auction group; just so many incredibly talented people. Everybody brings their unique abilities to “the table”, so to speak. And it all helps feed hungry people.

O.K, so what is it that you think Mark Wright brings to the table?

“Oh! I can talk. [laughter] Just ask anyone that knows me.”

Fair enough. But I think it’s more than that.

“Ok, it’s more than that. (smiles)  It’s a chance to advocate for something I really believe in. If you take a look at what Food Lifeline is able to do, and the efficiency with which they’re able to feed three-quarters of a million people every year, it’s exciting. And they do it with food that would have ended up in a landfill!”

Growing up working on an organic farm in Ferndale, Washington, I know you have a special relationship with food. But I understand you also have a sort of “kinship” with our SAVOR chefs?

“Let me just say this, I firmly believe that stand-up comics, actors, and chefs all share the same DNA”. [laughter]

And maybe television news anchors?

“Maybe .[smiles] Stand-up comics connect with people with funny observations. Actors connect by moving you emotionally. Chefs do the same thing, but for them, food is their language of love. They love people through food. And food is the one thing we all share.”

There are a lot of big personalities among these chefs; it must get crazy pretty quickly?

[laughs] “Putting these guys together is nuclear. It truly is. But they’re all on the same page. Each one recognizes the value of solving hunger. And whatever competition they may have between their restaurants, they’re all on the same team at SAVOR.”

Thanks Mark, for taking a few minutes with us, and have a great night Saturday!

“Thank you, and we’ll see everybody Saturday night!”

While Savor is mostly sold out, you can still get a last minute ticket by emailing our Special Events Manager, Rachel Quigley.