September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more

Host A Fundraiser

Online fundraising platforms make it a snap to fundraise for Food Lifeline! Here are three ways ways to put your enthusiasm and energy to work online, or in person!

Engage Your Network

Commemorate a special moment in your life like a birthday, an anniversary, or a wedding by raising funds for Food Lifeline.

Or you can create a challenge. Maybe you’re a runner and you want to run ten miles to help end hunger. Set up a fundraising page, and invite your “crowd” to donate to your event. A single event could help raise thousands of dollars that will provide meals to those experiencing food insecurity. Your challenge is limited only by your imagination!

Virtual Food Drives

Forget lugging heavy boxes of food all over town! When you go virtual, you help Food Lifeline channel its resources directly into delivering food that has already been donated by the food industry. For every dollar you spend buying food for a traditional food drive, Food Lifeline can source and deliver $10 worth of food. That’s some pretty good math!

Highlight your commitment to ending hunger by setting up a virtual food drive at your work, with a community group, or within your social network.

Throw A Party!

Have an event coming up with your company or community group? Consider pledging the proceeds to Food Lifeline.

Whether it’s a company picnic, a golf tournament, or a holiday party, make it more meaningful by donating to help end hunger in Western Washington.

The Food Lifeline team can help you with everything you need to help raise money, educate your team, and create a lasting impact on your community.


Click below and select “Fundraise” to create your very own virtual event!