Spread the Joy this Holiday Season! Donate

Retail & Food Partnerships

Grocery stores and food service sites are important sources of surplus food for local hunger-relief organizations.

Food Lifeline’s Retail and Foodservice Partnerships (RAFP) team is dedicated to facilitating strong relationships between our agencies and retail & food service donors. Our extensive donor network includes over 400 retail and foodservice sites, such as Fred Meyer, QFC, Safeway, Walmart, and Haggen Foods. The RAFP team helps establish successful direct relationships with our agencies and donors by:

  • Collaborating with our donors to develop donation guidelines
  • Connecting our donors with agencies and establishing permanent pickup schedules
  • Assist with donation questions, re-scheduling needs, & trainings
  • Report monthly donation data to donors to track impact

Have excess food to donate? Learn more about how to donate it to Food Lifeline.