Pay the bills or buy groceries? Pay the rent or fill the prescription? These are the difficult choices many of our Western Washington neighbors face in our high cost of living communities. For hard-working people struggling to provide for their families, food is often last on the list—particularly in the winter months when utility bills really add up.
No one should have to choose between food and basic needs.
The reality is that more and more of our neighbors are at risk of hunger. Since the pandemic, families in our 17-county service area have faced one challenge after another— job loss, reduced income, the highest inflation in forty years, and high food prices. More families are finding themselves living on the edge as the cost-of-living soars.
Often our neighbors in need don’t know where their next nutritious meal will come from.
That’s why Food Lifeline is committed to solving hunger every day—and that’s where you come in.
Please join us by supporting our Impossible Choices campaign.
Watch the video below to see just how important your support is to the more than one million people that will visit food banks in Western Washington this month.