I Believe There is Power in Stories
Whether it’s a story of suffering that leads us on a path to change, or a story of achievement that illuminates that path for others, stories give our life meaning and purpose.
The Food Lifeline story began back in 1979, when state Senator Ray Moore formed the Seattle Food Crisis Task Force. He was alarmed by a senate committee report that had identified at least 22,000 people in King County who couldn’t “make ends meet”. Can you imagine what Senator Moore would say today, when we provide 88,000 meals a day?
Senator Moore and the task force launched the “Food Oversight-Operation Distribution” program in April of that same year. The idea was the same back then as it is today — create a warehousing and transportation plan to help deliver millions of pounds of food to the hungry that would otherwise be wasted. In other words, Food Lifeline was founded to find homes for food in need.
After 35 years, the process and our mission are still the same — what changes the story today, is you.
Thanks to you and thousands of other supporters like you, we’ve created a new reality for those in our community that struggle, a new hope for those who were hungry. You’ve helped stock the shelves of more than 275 food banks and meal programs across Western Washington. You’ve given a gift to the more than 775,000 people who lined up for food last year. You’ve changed lives.
That’s a pretty good story.
As a part of our 2014 Accountability Report, I invite you to read three special stories that feature the best of what we can accomplish together.
The first story features Elizabeth, a mother of three who struggles to feed her family even though she works full-time. You’ll also read about Charlie Billow, an entrepreneur who has made feeding the hungry an important part of his business. Finally, you’ll meet the Balansays, a family who has created a tradition out of the act of giving.
These are just a few of the many stories that you helped write this year, stories that would make Senator Ray Moore proud.
Thank you for your continued support as we work to stop hunger, one success story at a time.