Stamp Out Hunger 2022
Together, with our presenting sponsor, Instacart, we’re thrilled to announce that Stamp Out Hunger is BACK! For more than 20 years, the nation’s largest single-day food drive is taking place here in Western Washington on Saturday, May 14!
Stamp Out Hunger, known for its distinctive blue plastic bags, was created by the National Association of Letter Carriers in response to the need for food they saw in the community every day on their routes. Here’s how it works:
- A blue Stamp Out Hunger bag will be sent to your home in early May.
- Fill the bag with non perishable food items and leave it by your mailbox by 8am for your postal worker on Saturday, May 14.
- That’s it!
Food from this drive helps Food Lifeline fill the shelves of local food banks, shelters, and meal programs across Western Washington. While one bag of food may seem small, a little goes a long way and Stamp Out Hunger succeeds every year thanks to the donations of generous neighbors like you!