September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


You’re Supporting Children’s Good Health!

As a teacher at an alternative school, Serena understands the connection between nutrition and education. When students don’t have enough to eat, they can’t focus in class, they may exhibit behavior problems, and they are more likely to get sick and miss school.

For that reason, she does her very best to provide hearty, healthy meals for her son and daughter, ages 9 and 13. Some months, the only way she can do that is by visiting West Seattle Food Bank, one of Food Lifeline’s Partner Agencies near her home.

Serena is raising her kids on her own and although she works full-time and is a savvy shopper, her income can’t always stretch to cover her family’s expenses. Things are especially tight during school breaks when her children can’t eat meals in the cafeteria.

That’s why she’s so glad she was introduced to the food bank several years ago. It gives her a sense of comfort and relief to know she has the food bank to fall back on when her budget wears thin.

When she has the time, Serena also volunteers at West Seattle Food Bank to help give back. She’s grateful for how the volunteers make the pantry clients feel like family, and she enjoys contributing to that welcoming environment.

“Your contributions are the backbone for a community you will likely never know,” she says to friends like you. “To show that kind of unconditional love is amazing. Thank you.”

You make a real difference for hardworking parents like Serena. Thank you for your generosity!