September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Your Support Is a Lifesaver for Ilene

At just 49 years old, Ilene is suffering from a nerve disease that makes it difficult for her to speak and requires her to use a walker. Despite her situation, she isn’t giving up hope.

“The doctors say I can fight this, so I’m going to,” Ilene says.

Ilene hasn’t been able to work since she became sick about a year ago. She’s trying to get disability payments because of her condition, but it’s been a long process and she’s already been denied once.

“You don’t know how long it’s going to take,” she explains. “In the meantime, you don’t have an income.”

That’s why she says Food Lifeline has been a lifesaver.

Thanks to friends like you, Ilene can stock up on fresh vegetables, rice, fruit, and other dietary essentials. Without the food she receives, Ilene says she’s not sure what she would do.

“There are so many unknowns right now, but I know that I will eat. And that’s a pretty big deal for me,” she says.

Thank you for helping people like Ilene who are suffering from an illness and are unable to work. Because of you, they can receive the nutritious food that is essential to maintaining their health and well-being. Please consider giving a generous gift today to help someone like Ilene.

You Ensure Seniors Have the Healthy Food They Need – Read More