September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Your Holiday Gift Goes Twice as Far for Families

My heart always breaks for our neighbors who are facing hunger. But there’s something about the holiday season that makes their plight especially touching.

That’s why I’m elated to share about a special opportunity that will double your support today. A dear friend of Food Lifeline has stepped forward with a generous matching gift that will match your donation dollar for dollar.

Typically, $1 helps feed a family through Food Lifeline. But through the match, every $1 you give helps feed 2 families.

Please take a moment to read through this issue of At the Table and learn how you’re making a meaningful difference for people throughout Western Washington. Then, I hope you will send a special contribution to be doubled by the matching gift. Together, we can rally to ensure our most vulnerable neighbors have the food they need.

Thank you for your friendship and continued support!


Linda Nageotte
President & CEO