What Weighs More Than a Gorilla?
The 1st graders at Meridian School had a goal. 550 pounds. They drew posters, made signs, and told their whole school about their food drive. Last week, they proudly showed off their work to the whole school and their 10 big boxes full of food they gathered for people in need.
So how much food did the class collect? 706 pounds. Or significantly more than your average gorilla. Best part? This food will be able provide 588 meals for our neighbors in need.
As one 1st grade student said “Giving food to hungry people makes me feel good.” We couldn’t agree more! Thanks Meridian School for your generous donations and thanks to the 1st grade students for reminding us how good it feels to give.
Want to start a food drive at your school? We give you all the tools you need to host a successful food & fund drive.