Volunteers Shine During Crisis
During the months of social distancing and the stay home stay healthy order, our Food Lifeline volunteer community continues to show support in monumental ways.
One example of this is Kris Garrett, a Food Lifeline volunteer who for the last two years, has regularly volunteered re-packing food in our warehouse.
“My volunteer history with Food Lifeline actually began years before when the warehouse was still in Shoreline.”
She was introduced to Food Lifeline through her husband’s employer when their family would join his company’s volunteer sessions. When asked what inspires her to volunteer, Kris says, “I am inspired by the mission of Food Lifeline and the effectiveness with which the organization is run.”
Kris generously made and donated 25 cloth facemasks to Food Lifeline for volunteers and staff that needed them. Along with her donation, she included instructions for cleaning the masks and how to use them properly.
“I originally started sewing masks for the staff of a local homeless shelter… Once the CDC issued their recommendations, I assumed Food Lifeline would begin requiring volunteers to wear masks at any packing session.”
Although a lot has changed since the pandemic began, one thing that remains consistent is the importance of volunteers and community at Food Lifeline, without which we would not be able to accomplish our mission. As a new normal takes shape, we’re excited to continue collaborating with volunteers and our community.