September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Volunteer Spotlight: Dani and Dylan

Meet Dylan, a retired United States Navy Corpsman.

In April 2020, Food Lifeline opened a temporary location in SODO to house our emergency box building operations for our COVID-19 response. Since the opening, a total of more than 10 million pounds of shelf-stable food has been processed through this warehouse alone. That’s over 8 million meals!

Thanks to our volunteers like Dylan, we were able to distribute emergency food boxes to our communities. Dylan has volunteered with Food Lifeline 4 – 5 times a week for more than half the day, supporting our box building efforts.

He says, “It really is an amazing opportunity to volunteer with Food Lifeline. They have created so many ways for anyone to volunteer from packing food, to delivering care packages to those in need. I couldn’t ask for a better way to spend my time away from work.”

Our volunteers are not the only contributors to this great achievement. The Washington State National Guard was deployed to Food Lifeline in support of our COVID-19 response. 250 guardsmen and women were on a mission to support Food Lifeline and our efforts.

Of the 250, was Dylan’s wife, Dani of the United States Air Force.

When asked about what inspired her to take the orders for Food Lifeline Dani explains, “Hunger doesn’t discriminate, and no one deserves to be hungry.”

Dani and Dylan have been quite the iconic duo in the warehouse packing emergency food kits.

Dylan says, “She motivates me and drives me to push as many packages through as possible. Being able to work with someone with the same goal as me, makes my time more worthwhile. I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity than this; to work with my best friend.”

Thank you, Dani and Dylan!