Volunteer Dedicates Her Life to Giving Back
In April 2020, due to social distancing and pandemic-related safety guidelines, much of Food Lifeline’s volunteer-supported production efforts were sidelined.
As we transitioned to community distributions to safely provide food, volunteers were needed at our partner colleges, shopping malls, community centers, and the Hunger Solution Center. As a volunteer and donor to Food Lifeline, Jackie knew she could provide support where Food Lifeline needed it most. Since May, Jackie has dedicated more than 100 hours of her time to Food Lifeline and has plans to continue this work with an important goal to give back.
“It’s important for me to continue volunteering because I know my community is being fed and families aren’t feeling the worry or stress of what they will be eating for the day or week,” she says. “This may not seem much for some but for others, it’s such a relief to receive this help.”
When Jackie was younger, her family received help from the food bank, so giving back just feels natural to her. It’s something she started doing when she was in high school.
“I see the looks and thankfulness on some of their faces, and it reminds me of the same look my parents had when we received the help,” Jackie says. “I want to continue that.”
Thank you to Jackie and other volunteers who give their time to help others! And thank you to our generous supporters who fuel the work we do. Remember, every $1 you give right now DOUBLES to help feed two families this holiday season.