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They’re Now Productive Adults, Thanks To You

Brother and sister Jordan and Julianna are now young adults, but they’ve known the kindness of people like you for much of their lives.

Julianna, 21, and Jordan, 23, started coming to Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank, a Food Lifeline agency partner, seven years ago. Because their mom is disabled, the siblings had to take on more responsibility than a lot of kids their age…including going to the Food & Clothing Bank as teenagers to get food for their family.

The small family is very tight knit, and Julianna and Jordan still do all they can to help their mom, even though they both work full-time jobs and live on their own.

Though neither Julianna nor Jordan live with their mom anymore, they do still make regular trips to the Food & Clothing Bank to pick up food for her. And, because money is sometimes tight for them, too, their mom often sends them home with some of the groceries they bring over.

Julianna is so grateful in particular for the nutritious, fresh produce available through the Food & Clothing Bank. She knows it helps keep her mom’s strength up, and she and Jordan often benefit from it, too.

The care you’ve shown to their family isn’t lost on these siblings. In fact, Julianna has found a way to give back by taking a job caring for others through a home health organization.

“Thank you,” both siblings echo to you.

You’ve played a vital role in sustaining this special family whenever they’ve faced times of hardship. It’s difficult to think about what might have become of Julianna, Jordan, and their mom if not for the kindness of strangers. But because generous friends like you have been there for them these past several years, these kids were able to grow up to become productive contributors to our community.