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The Regional Food Policy Council Rethinks Focus

Food Lifeline has participated in the Regional Food Policy Council (RFPC) representing the non-governmental anti-hunger organization seat. The RFPC “develops just and integrated policy and action recommendations that promote health, sustain and strengthen the local and regional food system, and engage and partner with agriculture, business, communities and governments in the four-county region”. That four-county region includes Pierce, King, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties – all counties in Food Lifeline’s service area.

Recently, the RFPC has shifted its focus, prioritizing two goals through 2017:

Katharine Ryan, from Food Lifeline, is serving as chair of the subcommittee focusing on increasing food access. The subcommittee recently prioritized three projects to work on through this year:

The subcommittee is looking for help on these three projects, particularly from individuals living within the four-county region of the Puget Sound Regional Council. If you’re interested in learning more or helping out, please contact Katharine Ryan at