September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Thanks for Helping us Root Out Hunger this Summer!

We’ve officially wrapped our Root Out Hunger summer fundraising campaign, and thanks to you, we raised 3.2 million dollars, far surpassing our 2.7 million dollar goal. These funds provided critical help to bridge the summer meals gap for kids and their families across Western Washington, and will make a huge impact on our mission to end hunger. Our campaign highlighted the root causes of hunger, the inextricable link between food insecurity and poverty, racial inequity, and social injustice.

This was all possible because of the collective dedication of the entire Food Lifeline community—from our media and corporate partners who fundraised on our behalf, to our tireless volunteers and advocates who gave of their time to grow our movement and keep our shelves stocked, to everyone who donated and spread the word about our work to end hunger.

Thank you to our 67 corporate partners that participated in Food Frenzy this year, raising over $620,304 and contributing a total of 2,753 volunteer hours; to our many passionate and dedicated volunteers who had a record show rate this summer; to Fred Meyer, QFC, and the Zero Hunger Zero Waste Foundation for their generous donation; to KOMO TV for hosting their Tackle Hunger Fundraiser and promoting our mission; to Jack FM, Sound Credit Union, and FOX13 for their “Playing What You Want So They Can Eat What They Need” Fundraiser; to C89.5 and Dick’s Drive In for their Dance to End Hunger Fundraiser; to Bartell’s for their “Stock the Shelves” Fundraiser; to Reuben’s Brews for their GratiTuesday Fundraiser; to the many festivals that hosted us this summer—CHOMP, Seafair, Sopasupa, Duwamish River Festival—and to everyone who stopped to talk to us and learn more about how to support our work; and of course to Taylor Swift for her generous donation and launching the issue of hunger into the public discourse in a way only a superstar could.

From all of us at Food Lifeline, thank you for sharing in this effort and helping us build a movement to end hunger. Working together, we believe Hunger Doesn’t Have to Happen.

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