September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Thank You to Our Fife High School Student Volunteers!

Photo: Fife High School Student volunteers following their last June volunteer session.

We wanted to send out a huge thank you to our Fife High School Student volunteers for another great year of service and partnership! We also wanted to celebrate the students from this group who will be graduating this year and going on to new adventures.

Every Tuesday from September – June, this amazing group of students and their teacher have sorted and repacked food at Food Lifeline. These students have grown and developed in so

many ways during the past year and we want to recognize and thank them for their hard work, dedication, and many accomplishments.

We are grateful to all the teachers and paraeducators and everyone who’s worked to develop and grow this amazing program over the last 7 years.


“We like to help people.”


“If people are hungry, we help by making boxes of food, and they’re ready to go. For free.”


“Strawberries, cereal, oatmeal, potatoes, and apples are my favorite things to sort.” She loves working with her fellow classmates, her teachers, and the Food Lifeline Staff.