Seniors Like Steve Have the Healthy Food They Need Thanks to You
Steve used to work at a job with decent pay, and he never had any trouble getting by. But after he retired, that all changed.
At first, he was able to make ends meet, despite suffering from rapidly progressing diabetes and two back injuries. But between the cost of his medication and doctor visits, his savings didn’t last long.
Then, Steve’s situation got even more difficult.
“On Father’s Day last year, I went to the hospital with a bloated stomach, and the doctor said, ‘You have leukemia,’” Steve says.
Since then, he’s had to have surgeries on both of his eyes, and his long list of medications come at a high price.
Fortunately, Steve can count on friends like you who support Food Lifeline. Steve is so grateful for the food he receives, and he has you to thank. With your help, he’s able to receive the fresh food he needs — including nutritious fruits and vegetables.
“This place helps a lot,” he says. “I never expected to be in this situation.”
Throughout Western Washington, there are many more seniors like Steve who never thought they’d be in a position where they would need to ask for help. Thanks to friends like you, they don’t have to worry about where they’ll get their next meal. You can help more seniors like Steve with a generous gift today. Thank you!