September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Salesforce Doubles Down on Ending Hunger

Salesforce is serious about ending hunger in its communities.

That’s why they partner with Food Lifeline and its mission to feed those experiencing hunger today while working to end hunger for tomorrow.

It began with a bold pledge back in 2014. A pledge to give 1% of equity, product, and employee time back to its communities. Since then, that commitment has grown dramatically. Today, Salesforce has now donated more than half a billion dollars in grants and employee donation matching. The company has also provided free or discounted products to more than 54,000 nonprofits and education organizations through, and its employees have donated a staggering 6.7 million volunteer hours. 

The Salesforce teams began volunteering with Food Lifeline back in 2016. Salesforce/Tableau volunteers initially donated 45 hours of their time to sort and repack food in the warehouse.  From there, volunteer hours doubled and tripled year over year, amassing nearly 500 hours in 2019.

Then the pandemic hit, and Food Lifeline had to close its doors to volunteers. But Salesforce continued to give.

When Salesforce employees couldn’t volunteer, they doubled down on their employee giving to support their neighbors impacted by the pandemic.  Salesforce saw employee giving and company matching triple between 2019 and 2020, helping to purchase nutritious food for emergency food boxes distributed to families across western Washington.

Today, with covid restrictions lifting and the warehouse hosting volunteers again, Salesforce teams are back, already donating nearly 100 hours in 2022.  And their financial support has continued at pandemic levels.

Thank you, Salesforce, for your support during the past six years.  Sticking with us through the ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic, donating nearly $150,000 in employee matching and grants, and encouraging and allowing your employees to donate 1,280 hours to help feed our neighbors.

Food Lifeline is proud to recognize Salesforce as our May Corporate Donor of the Month.