September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Packing up Hunger

With more than 275 food banks, shelters and meal programs in the Food Lifeline network, there’s no shortage of great stories. Here’s one we hope you enjoy!

The Orting Food Bank runs a backpack program that partners with local schools to identify students who are food insecure. The food bank then packs bags for the students to take home on Fridays, so they aren’t hungry over the weekend.

Recently, a 12-year-old middle school student by the name of David moved to the Orting School District in the middle of the school year. His school counselor learned that David’s family was food insecure.

Even though Dad was working, the families’ income was insufficient to both pay the bills and have enough left over to buy food for the family. Skipped meals were a common practice in David’s family.

The counselor enrolled David in the Back Pack Club, and he began receiving food for the weekend.

Last month David came to the food bank with his Mom. He asked if we would be providing backpacks again this year and food bank staff assured him they would.

Mom went on to explain that David was more aware of the financial situation than she realized. She says that when David brought home his first backpack, he placed the food on the kitchen table and proudly announced: “I am bringing food home for the family.”

Mom tells us that since that day, David’s self-esteem has grown, and his grades have begun to improve. David has proudly announced he is going to be a scientist when he grows up and find ways to grow enough food for everyone.

(Orting Food Bank was awarded grant money from the Morgan Stanley BackPack grant through Feeding America to fund the expansion of their program. )