Order UP! Boneless/ Skinless Chicken Breast Available
Dear Food Lifeline Member Agencies,
We are happy to let you know that we have added a fantastic protein option to our Order UP! offerings – boneless/skinless chicken breasts. The pack size is 6/6.5 lb. bags per case and each chicken breast is individually wrapped. While each bag is considered a “family size” many of you may choose to hand out the individual packed breasts. The individually wrapped chicken breasts are not labeled, so per The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, if this is the direction you go, we ask that you either 1) label each chicken breast prior to handing out the chicken to your clients or 2) post the information in view of the client and write “Chicken” on each package, per the WA Food Code.
As you may know, The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA or Act), enacted in 1967, has these basic requirements: The FPLA requires each package of household “consumer commodities” that is included in the coverage of the FPLA to bear a label on which there is:
- a statement identifying the commodity, e.g., detergent, sponges, etc.;
- the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor;
- and the net quantity of contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count (measurement must be in both metric and inch/pound units).
The Washington Food Code 9-407.11 Food Labels. [WAC 246-215-151(10)] states,
A DONATED FOOD DISTRIBUTING ORGANIZATION may distribute PACKAGED FOODS without complete label information on each individual container, provided that: (A) Each container is labeled with the common name of the FOOD; and (B) The label information, according to the provisions of chapter 69.04 RCW, is on the master carton or is posted in plain view on a card, sign, or other method of notice at the point of distribution to the CONSUMER
If you have additional questions about this product, please contact Nicole Acinelli, Purchasing and Allocations Agent, at 206-545-6600 or nicolea@foodlifeline.org.
Thank you for your dedication to our mission,
Nicole Acinelli