September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


One Person, One Message, Right Now!

A partisan Farm Bill is moving through Congress and is up for a second vote on Friday, June 22. If passed, this bill will leave 60,000 of Washington’s children without free or reduced-price school meals and end SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps) for as many as 2 million low-income individuals nationwide.

This bill failed in its first attempt to get passed (in Washington, every Republican voted “yes” and every Democrat voted “no”). To ensure that this harmful bill fails again in June, it’s crucial that we take action now. We can’t end hunger by taking food away from people facing food insecurity. That’s why we’re asking Food Lifeline supporters to message their U.S. representative and ask them to reject the proposed Farm Bill and request a bipartisan bill to protect SNAP.

Actions You Can Take That Will Really Help

Do you use Twitter or Facebook?

If your representative is Pramilia Jayapal, Suzan DelBene, Adam Smith, Rick Larsen, Denny Heck, or Derek Kilmer, post this message: Thanks for helping #ProtectSNAP! @FoodLifeline (and tag your rep @RepJayapal @RepAdamSmith @RepRickLarsen @CongressmanDennyHeck @derek.kilmer @RepDelbene)

If your representative is Dave Reichert, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse, or Cathy McMorris, post this message: Please vote NO on the Farm Bill to #ProtectSNAP! @FoodLifeline (and tag your rep @repdavereichert @HerreraBeutler @RepNewhouse @cathymcmorris).

Don’t have a social media account? Click here to take action on-line.

As an individual or organization, join our Farm Bill sign-on letter.

More contact information to message your lawmaker prior to the crucial June 22 vote:

Please vote NO on the Farm Bill to Protect SNAP!
(CD 3) Rep. Herrera Beutler:  (360) 695-6292
(CD 4) Rep. Newhouse:  (509) 452-3243
(CD 5) Rep. McMorris Rodgers:  (509) 353-2374
(CD 8) Rep. Reichert:  (425) 677-7414

Thank You for Fighting to Protect SNAP!
(CD 1)  Rep. DelBene:  (425) 485-0085
(CD 2) Rep. Larsen:  (425) 252-3188
(CD 6) Rep. Kilmer:  (253) 272-3515
(CD 7) Rep. Jayapal:  (206) 674-0040
(CD 9) Rep. Smith:  (425) 793-5180
(CD 10) Rep. Heck:  (360) 459-8514

Hunger Doesn’t Have To Happen!