New Order Up! Items
Please give a warm welcome to the newest members of the Order Up! lineup!
We are excited to bring these versatile, easy to use, easy to distribute items to Order Up! These products were selected because they are excellent options for both Kids Café and Backpack programs.
Tuna Cups!
Tuna Cups is a hearty contender – high in protein in an easy to use, easy to eat package! Perfect for Backpack Programs, Kid’s Meal Programs, Sack Lunches or an anytime snack. Each case holds 16/2.8 oz. and is only $15.36 per case – that’s ¢.96 per unit! Did you know that 52% of the tuna sold, is used in sandwiches. Another 22% is used in salads while 15.5% is used in casseroles and base dishes. All that versatility in one little package!
Peach Cups!
Packed in 100% juice, no artificial sweeteners or added sugar. These little dynamos are a naturally fat free/cholesterol free option, perfect for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner! Package size is 16/4 oz. for $11.16 per case, which breaks down to ¢.70 per unit of peachy deliciousness!
Chicken Noodle Soup!
What has oodles of noodles and is perfect for a meal or a snack? What has an easy open pop top and healthy and delicious protein option? That would be Chicken Noodle Soup! Packed in a 12/10.75 oz. case, this sassy soup is priced at $9.90 (¢.83 per unit).
Did you know that the first canned chicken noodle soup was first introduced by Campbell Soup Company in 1934?
Canned Organic Chicken!
This Opportunity Buy option is packed full of protein! With a convenient pop top lid this nutritional powerhouse is a wonderful organic option for all programs from Children Feeding Programs and Backpack programs to Food Banks and Meal Programs! This comes to us in a 12/5 oz. pack size for $8.88, which is ¢.74 per unit.