September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Mobile Food Pantry Provides An Unexpected Benefit

For the past year, our Mobile Food Pantry program has been getting fresh food to the people who need it most. Recently we learned that its impact goes beyond an influx of food, to the communities themselves. During a recent survey, the East Whatcom Regional Center discovered that the visits to their community center for things other than food had increased 87% since the Mobile Food Pantry started visiting in November.

Mobile Food Pantry in East Whatcom CountyBy providing a strong draw of fresh food to residents, the community center has been able to provide other much needed outreach services. Additionally the Mobile Food Pantry has acted as a catalyst for food initiatives in the community; two grants have been approved and will focus on a community garden expansion on the grounds of the community center, as well as the programs at two local elementary schools next year.

At Food Lifeline, we will always be about making sure that every individual in Western Washington gets the food they need every day. However, discoveries like this demonstrate that your support of stopping hunger improves all areas of people’s lives, including the communities they live in. Thank you for making the Mobile Food Pantry and our other programs possible through your support.