March Letter from Linda
Dear Friends,
Your partnership in our hunger-relief efforts is truly inspiring. During the busy holiday season, you brought hope in the form of food to neighbors across the 17 counties we serve. I was thrilled to hear from our network of partners about all the families who benefitted from your gifts. We’re so excited to expand Food Lifeline’s reach through our Hunger Solution Center this year.
During the first few months of every new year, we tend to focus on senior hunger. This issue is near and dear to many of us. Local senior citizens are our parents and grandparents — those who raised us, taught us life lessons and worked hard to create the world we live in now. We must do everything we can to ensure older adults don’t have to face the stress of an empty cupboard.
But with challenges like medical issues, limited mobility and fixed incomes, seniors in our community must often make tough choices, like whether to pay bills, refill a prescription or buy groceries.
Our community’s elderly population is growing, and we can’t keep pace with the demand for nutritious food unless we have your continued support. I hope you’ll help ensure our member agencies and feeding programs can provide healthy meals and groceries for seniors at risk of going hungry. These men and women have paved the way for so many of us and worked to make our community what it is today. Their needs are our needs, too.
In the following pages of this spring issue of At the Table, you’ll meet some of the older adults in Western Washington who are living better lives because of your generosity. Marsha is able to eat a healthy diet full of fresh produce thanks to your gifts — you can learn about how you’ve made a difference for her on page 8.
With 2017 in full swing, I’m thrilled to see what we’ll be able to accomplish together over the next several months. Thank you for solving hunger with us!
All my best,
Linda Nageotte,
President & CEO