Make Your Mark
With the Grand Opening of our Hunger Solution Center completed, we invite you to leave your mark in our new space, permanently enshrining your contribution to the mission of ending hunger. Without the support of our generous donors, and the local community, Food Lifeline couldn’t tackle the issue of food insecurity in western Washington. Simply put, Food Lifeline would be nowhere without you. In this spirit of appreciation, we are ecstatic to offer the opportunity for donors to make their donation a physical part of the Hunger Solution Center.
One terrific opportunity is to join fellow donors with a gift of a “can of food.” These “cans” will make up our logo centrally located in the lobby of our building. Not only is this stalk of wheat a prominent part of Food Lifeline’s and Feeding America’s logo, it will also be a poignant statement about how this organization is built upon the generosity of donors like you. Every donation builds the stalk a bit higher, in the same that way that every donation builds Food Lifeline’s ability to help feed one more child or family struggling to put food on the table.
With this donation, your commitment towards feeding your local community will be on display for all those that pass through our doors. Learn more here.