Looking Forward to the Hunger Solution Center (Part 1)
The Hunger Solution Center will allow Food Lifeline to more than double the food we provide to our more than 275 agencies. It will also allow us to provide more highly nutritious fruits and vegetables. So what does this mean for our partners? We decided to let them tell you.
Port Townsend Food Bank
Shirley Moss, Director
What does Food Lifeline mean to your organization?
I sing the praises of FLL whenever I can. They provide the quality and variety to our Food Bank that’s so necessary. They consistently have high quality offerings which easily provide over one third to one half of our food. All their staff are kind and helpful with such great hearts. I so admire and respect what they do to feed so many.
What would more food mean for your organization?
More food means we can be more generous with our clients. We give out food based on family size. My only rule to my volunteers is “Follow your heart.” This allows them the choice to do what feels right and not always say, we don’t have enough.
Why are fruits and vegetables important to your organization and your clients?
It’s not just about feeding clients, it’s about providing healthy foods. Produce is so very important to everyone’s well rounded diet.
Are there still hungry people out there that you don’t have the resources to feed sufficiently?
As much as I hate to say it, there are many hungry mouths out there we haven’t been able to provide for. The extreme homeless and prideful seniors are a couple of groups I wish we could reach.
Bellingham Food Bank
Mike Cohen, Executive Director
What does Food Lifeline mean to your organization?
There is no more valuable partner to our food bank than Food Lifeline. The food it provides, the education it shares with Western Washington, and its advocacy efforts make us and all food banks far better.
What would more food mean for your organization?
More food for Bellingham Food Bank means more food for LOTS of hungry families and individuals. It will mean hungry kids will do better in school, seniors will stay healthier, and Moms and Dads may be able to eat with their children instead of sacrificing their own nutrition for their kids.
Why are fruits and vegetables important to your organization and your clients?
Fruits and vegetables are a key ingredient to any healthy diet so they are essential for our food bank and the families that visit us. Fresh fruits and veggies shouldn’t be only for those who can afford them.
Are there still hungry people out there that you don’t have the resources to feed sufficiently?
Sadly, despite our best work, families who visit our food bank can always use more food. If Food Lifeline can get us more food like dairy, fresh protein, fruits and vegetables, we will get to thousands of hungry families in Whatcom County.
Bellingham Food Bank is a distribution center for hunger relief programs in Whatcom and San Juan Counties. We just added 10,000 square feet of warehousing space as we anticipate the impact of Food Lifeline’s Hunger Solution’s Center. Food Lifeline’s ability to expand its capacity will have a dramatic impact on the lives of thousands of hungry families in the northwest corner of Washington.
Keep an eye out for Part 2 to meet more of our friends!