September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Kids Take A Star Turn To Help Kids

When it comes to caring about hungry people, you can’t beat the passion of a child. They don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have enough to eat. They can’t imagine getting ready for school and not having that first meal to send them on their way. Or swapping luches at noontime. Or the joy of sitting down with their family to enjoy a home-cooked meal, along with the smiles and laughter of their families.

This month, two of our favorite children stepped up to help feed thiose in need this coming summer. 

Mark Mumford and Cleia Limanardja are both fourth-graders at Villa Academy in Seattle. Their class has been volunteering at Food Lifeline to sort and repack rescued food that we’ll deliver to food banks, shelters and meal programs across Western Washington. That would have been enough, but not for these kids.

Mark and Cleia also volunteered, along with their classmates, to star in a video for Food Lifeline’s annual gala, Savor. The video was a huge hit with guests, and helped raise a record $340,000.

Not content to be one-hit-wonders, the kids also starred in a commercial for Food Lifeline’s End Summer Hunger campaign.

Like a pair of seasoned veterans, Mark and Cleia showed up with their lines memorized, and dressed for the set. A somewhat surprised production crew from KOMO TV couldn’t help but smile when the two kids hit their marks, nailed their lines, and finished the entire thirty-second commercial in under thirty minutes!

Take a look at the final product below.