September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Kicking Off a Hunger-Free Summer

Everyone needs good nutrition all year round, but especially in the long active days of summer. Sadly, for many families and kids who rely on free & reduced lunch at school, summer can be tough. 

This summer, Food Lifeline is teaming up with the Dairy Farmers of Washington to help make sure kids can still get the fresh produce and dairy necessary for kids’ brain development. Thanks to your support, we are nearly doubling the number of places where kids 1-18 can get lunch or snacks for free all summer long.

This year Food Lifeline’s Kids Cafe will operate 18 locations across Western Washington, providing nearly 50,000 meals and snacks.

Watch this short 3 minute video with our President & CEO Linda Nageotte and Martha Marino, Director of Nutrition and Wellness, Washington State Dairy Council and learn how you can help.

As Linda says, “Everyone can be a part of the solution.” Donate online or at your local Fred Meyer and QFC stores.