September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Join Food Lifeline in the “Together to End Hunger” Campaign

This holiday season…more than a million people will visit food banks in Western Washington. With inflation…budgets are stretched to the breaking point…and buying food is often last on the list.

The need is more urgent now than ever.

Today, food donations are down by 75%. Food costs have nearly doubled for proteins and fresh produce. Join us today and help keep the shelves stocked at our more than 400 partner food access locations this holiday season.

Food Lifeline is working to create meals for those experiencing food insecurity with our “Together to End Hunger” campaign.

Together we can create more than 213,000 meals every day…for those who need them the most. Together, we can deliver the right food to the right places. In areas of Skagit County, that means traditional and culturally relevant foods like tomatillos, tortillas, and masa flour for a primarily Hispanic migrant farmworker community.

Foods that food bank guest Gloria says help her family to thrive.

Rosa visits the food bank each week to pick up foods that are important to her family and their culture.

“Everything they have here are items my family and I love to eat and cook.”

By working together, we can help support seniors struggling with rising food prices and access to fresh foods.

“My wife and I are both living off of my social security disability income”, says Maple Valley Food Bank guest, Mark. “If it wasn’t for the food bank here, things would be really bad for us, because I’m a diabetic and I need foods that will keep me healthy.”

Mark visits the food bank to get fresh fruits and vegetables that help him manage his diabetes.

Working together, we can support families facing food insecurity. Madivie visits a food bank every week to make sure her daughter has the food she needs to grow, learn, and thrive – something she didn’t have herself growing up.

Madivie selects some fresh foods to take home for her and her daughter.

“Food is so important to me…especially as a single mother who is trying to provide for a teenage daughter. My rule of thumb is this: my daughter will always eat before I eat. In my home country, you could go all day and not eat.”

Together, we can make sure our communities are treated with dignity and respect while being fed, uplifted, and empowered.

Together we’re working to end hunger together.

Together, these corporate partners are supporting our campaign.  We are grateful for their generosity.