It’s A Wrap! Root Out Hunger Summer Campaign a Huge Success
We’ve officially completed our inaugural summer Root Out Hunger campaign, and the results are in! Through the collective dedication of the entire Food Lifeline community we made significant progress in our efforts to end hunger.
- Raised $3,337,998!
- Resulting in 16.5 MILLION meals
- 30% of clients we serve are youth – ensuring more than 5 Million Meals will get to those kids
- 4,540 people and 57 companies volunteered 10,130 HOURS
- Perspectives on Hunger Summit and Root Causes Town Halls engaged lawmakers, anti-poverty organizations, and grassroots advocates to build our movement to end hunger
While those statistics are incredibly impressive, what’s truly remarkable is the impact these efforts will have toward advancing our mission to end hunger. All activities, communications, campaigns, and efforts highlighted the root causes of hunger, the inextricable link between food insecurity and poverty, racial inequity, and social injustice. Root Out Hunger required all of us to make a difference. Thank you, to our corporate partners for the record-breaking success of Food Frenzy, to community-centric engagement from our growing HungerMitao program; to QFC for their annual register campaign, to individual contributions from donors both big and small; and the tireless efforts of our volunteers and advocates who unfailingly give of their time to grow our movement, keep our shelves stocked, and provide nutritious, quality, culturally appropriate food to our partners.
From all of us at Food Lifeline, thank you for sharing in this effort and helping us build a movement to end hunger. Working together, we believe Hunger Doesn’t Have to Happen.