Generosity + Local Chefs = Record-Breaking Fundraiser
Thanks to our generous community and our incredible team of Savor chefs, this year’s event raised over $380,000 – enough to provide over 1.5 million meals!
Wow – what an incredible evening we had on Saturday… I don’t know about you, but I felt like I was walking on a cloud when I left Cedarbrook. Together, we raised over $380,000 – enough to provide over 1.5 million meals. That’s simply extraordinary! I hope you feel proud of how your generous support will help us provide nutritious food to our neighbors who need it most.
I want to say a huge thank you to the chefs who made this evening possible with both their delicious culinary gifts and their amazing auction items:
- Armandino Batali, Salumi
- Roy Breiman, Copperleaf Restaurant
- Mark Bodinet, Copperleaf Restaurant
- Bobby Moore, Barking Frog
- Matt Kelley, Barking Frog
- Thierry Rautureau, Luc and Loulay
- Holly Smith, Cafe Juanita
- Jason Wilson, Crush and Miller’s Guild
We had a great VIP party with wine tasting by Bergevin Lane and vodka tasting by Glass Distillery. One of the best parts was seeing guests go backstage and prepare the courses alongside their favorite chefs! This Honorary Sous Chef opportunity was one of the best of the night!
Thank you also to the many others who made this year a success and most importantly the generous guests who made this year’s Savor our biggest success yet.
In a world of plenty, there is no excuse for there to be hungry people in our community. It is evenings like Savor that remind me we can create the innovative and sustainable solutions we need to stop hunger in Western Washington.
If you want to learn more about Food Lifeline’s fundraisers, please contact our Special Events Manager.
See more photos and download your own favorites from Savor 2014.