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Food Lifeline’s 2020 Legislative Awards

We are proud to announce the recipients of Food Lifeline’s 2020 Legislative Awards! These awards are given to state lawmakers who’ve made significant contributions to ending hunger in Washington. Our partnership with elected officials is critical to advancing our mission of feeding people experiencing hunger today, while working to end hunger for tomorrow.

With sincere appreciation, we present the 2020 award winners.

Food Lifeline Legislative Champion Award

Representative Mia Gregerson
Prime sponsor, Washington Food Policy Forum; Prime sponsor HB 1783, State Equity Office

Representative Marcus Riccelli
Prime sponsor, HB 2660, Increasing the availability of school meals provided to public school students at no student cost

Representative Beth Doglio
Budget request sponsor, Food bank and food pantry capacity grants

Representative Mari Leavitt
Prime sponsor, HB 2262, Expanding access to nutritious food (WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program)

Representative Debra Entenman
Prime sponsor, HB 2441, Improving access to temporary assistance for needy families (TANF)

Senator Judy Warnick
Prime sponsor, SB 6091, Continuing the work of the Washington Food Policy Forum and Budget request sponsor, Food bank and food pantry capacity grants

Senator Kevin Van De Wege
Budget request sponsor, Food bank and food pantry capacity grants and Farm to Food Pantry

Senator Liz Lovelett
Prime sponsor, SB 6309, Expanding access to nutritious food (WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program)

Senator Joe Nguyen
Prime sponsor, SB 6478, Revising economic assistance programs (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)

US Representative Kim Schrier MD
Prime sponsor Farmers Feeding Families Coronavirus Response Act, H.R. 6725

The Legislative Champion Award is given to legislators who:

Food Lifeline Legislative Award

Representative Mike Steele
Budget request sponsor, Farm to Food Pantry

Representative Mike Chapman
Budget request sponsor, Farm to Food Pantry

Representative JT Wilcox
General support of Food Lifeline legislative agenda

The Legislative Award is given to lawmakers who:

Food Lifeline Legislative Assistant Award

Ms. Jennifer Cash
U.S. Representative Kim Schrier MD

The Legislative Assistant Award is given to legislative staff who: