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Food For Our Neighbors

A four-year-old boy races across the room to grab a fresh apple, while his little sister clutches a fresh peach that smells like summer. Judging by their smiles, you might expect them to be holding ice cream rather than produce – but at the Appian Way Apartments this afternoon, fruit rules.

“I’m taking home these beautiful peaches,” says one client. “They’re going to be delicious.”

Today Food Lifeline is working with Mercy Housing Northwest to provide families at this affordable housing community with 2,400 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables.  And the families couldn’t be happier. Especially the ones that find themselves in a differnet position today.

“I used to donate to food banks, now I get from food banks”, says one senior. “At first it felt uncomfortable, but everyone here makes me feel so welcome.”

That’s because the team of Mercy Housing Northwest and Food Lifeline makes the distribution feel like a neighborhood event. More than 45 families will leave here today with several pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, but more importantly, they’ll leave with a smile.

“That’s what I love about these distributions,” says Food Lifeline’s Leah Rapalee. “You’re sharing food with people in their homes. That’s pretty special.”

Residents here also stop by the kitchen, where YMCA of Greater Seattle staff are teaching residents how to create a summer salad with pears and romaine. The very food they will take home today.

Mobile food pantries are key to getting food to our friends and neighbors who have issues with transportation, but they’re also a way to get to know each other. And when we get to know each  other – caring is easy.