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Finding Hope in White Center

How donations to Food Lifeline Helped Cassie

Cassie loves numbers, so accounting is a natural fit for her. She worked in accounting for a warehouse company– until three weeks ago. That’s when the company she worked for—which had recently acquired her employer of 6 ½ years—decided to replace her with someone else.

This is the first time I’ve been out of a job for more than a week,”

Cassie explains. Considering that her career has been over two decades long, and that the average American changes jobs every 3-5 years, that’s quite the accomplishment. Cassie’s work ethic shows through her story in other ways too. Cassie reports that she had 23 job interviews last week (Almost 5 per day!), and some of those were second-round interviews. She has several more follow up interviews this week.  She says she’s lucky to be in a situation with a flexible landlord, who knows about her situation. She isn’t worried about becoming homeless at the moment, but she’s still anxious to get back in the game. Cassie’s working hard to get life back to normal, and the food bank is making it easier for her in the meantime.  Cassie didn’t consider the food bank at first because her motto is,

Don’t work. Don’t eat,”

but when she’d been out of work for longer than her average, a friend suggested that she visit the White Center Food Bank, and she’s glad she did. It’s the difference between going well-fed or hungry to an interview. The difference between being able to be patient for a job that’s

at least as good”

to come up or taking the first mediocre offer to come along. The difference between hope and desperation.  Hope. That’s the light that shines out of Cassie’s eyes as she patiently waits in line at White Center Food Bank. White Center Food Bank has been a Food Lifeline Partner since 1992. In the last year, White Center Food Bank has received over 500,000 pounds of food through Food Lifeline.