Finding Homes for Fruit
Each year millions of pounds of fruit are left hanging on the trees at the end of the season. This should never happen while there are hungry people in every town and city in our country.
During peak peach season, you can snap up on-sale peaches for as low as $1.50 a pound. But can you imagine getting those same quality peaches for only $0.17 a pound? Thanks to our partner food banks across the country, we can do just that. Food Lifeline takes advantage of deals on donated produce directly from the places where it grows.
This summer, our partners at the Fresno Community Food Bank had more peaches than they could ever use. For only the cost of transportation, a mere $0.17 a pound, we brought 40,000 pounds of peaches to Washington. Not only did we keep this fruit out of landfills, but we also found them a home with hungry families here in our community.
Pedro, the driver who delivered those beautiful peaches to our warehouse, drove north from California with a truck full of peaches and returned south with Washington grown apples. Pedro has been driving a truck for over 17 years, but before that he picked peaches and apples for a living. He was thrilled that his fruit delivery would be going out to food banks and people in need.
Your support makes it possible for us to connect food from where it grows to where it’s needed. Thanks you for helping us harvest this low hanging fruit.