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Federal Budget Deal Reached!

This week Congress passed an omnibus budget bill to keep the federal government funded through next year. This is a huge, bipartisan accomplishment and given the current climate in DC, the fact that program funding levels were maintained with a few increases is a huge win. The bill emerged as two pieces of legislation that were ultimately combined into one bill: the budget and tax provisions.

The overall spending bill sets funding levels for programs through September 30, 2017. Key hunger program funding elements include:

Every year we have had to fight to encourage Congress to renew key charitable tax deductions that help Food Lifeline source more food and provide more resources for the clients we serve. This budget permanently extends three key provisions, saving us the work of having to continually fight for their extension:

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said that permanently extending the EITC and CTC “would rank among the biggest anti-poverty achievements…in years,” lifting 16 million people out of poverty every year. You can read more about the impact of these changes at CBPP.

Child Nutrition Reauthorization was not included in the spending bill as we initially thought it might be. There was one policy change included that extends a provision giving schools more flexibility with fully implementing new whole grain levels in school meals through next school year, and blocks future restrictions on sodium levels until scientific research shows a benefit. We are disappointed that the budgeting process was used to make this type of policy, but hope that the full process of reauthorization in the new year will provide an opportunity to address these and other issues.