September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more



Deanne and her husband were living comfortably on a fixed-income as retirees until family circumstances changed. Their son lost his job, and he and his wife moved into their home with their seven-year-old son. Deanne doesn’t know how long it will take for her son to find work, or how long she will have to take care of them. Today, she says, it’s just hard.

“We get by on our social security checks, but having three more to feed makes it so tough.”

 In order to feed her family, Deanne visits the Blaine Food Bank in Whatcom County, where she stocks up on staples like rice, beans, and meat. But the fruits and vegetables are the most important to her.

“My grandson is diabetic, so getting nutritious food is crucial. We find that food here.”

Food Lifeline provides nearly half of the food the Blaine Food Bank distributes to its community in Blaine, Custer, Birch Bay, and Semiahmoo. Much of this food is critical produce.

 “Today I got fresh tomatoes, some lettuce, a few bags of carrots. It was great,” says Deanne, who despite her family’s circumstances, manages a smile. “I’m not sure how long we’re going to need to come, but I have faith that things will work out. I just do.”