Corporate Spotlight: UnitedHealthcare
This month we are celebrating our partnership with UnitedHealthcare. Food Lifeline is proud to partner with UnitedHealthcare as part of their “Do Good. Live Well.” program. Since 2009, “Do Good. Live Well.” has been UnitedHealthcare’s volunteer initiative with a mission to decrease hunger and obesity. Through partnerships, financial support and the helping hands of their employee volunteers, UnitedHealthcare is working to build healthier communities.
UnitedHealthcare’s gift of $50,000 will support our Mobile Food Pantry and Meals for Minds programs-programs that get healthy food directly to families and seniors in our community. Recently, the UnitedHealthcare team volunteered at our Meals for Minds distribution at Northgate Elementary School where 75% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. That day, we provided healthy food like milk, peanut butter, cauliflower, apples and mangoes to 90% of the students at the school.
“UnitedHealthcare is proud to partner with Food Lifeline to ensure children have access to fresh, healthy good and to build healthier communities in Seattle,” said Doug Bowes, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Washington.
Food Lifeline’s service area is challenging-serving 17 counties in Western Washington ranging from large urban areas to rural areas that are hard to reach. Hunger, often perceived as an urban problem, respects no boundary and contrary to popular opinion, some of the greatest need in Western Washington exists in rural areas. In fact, rates of food insecurity among rural households are generally higher than urban households.
Our mobile food programs bring fresh nutritious food to areas of high need, removing the barriers that prevent people from having access to the food they need for a healthy diet. Children can’t learn at school if they are hungry. Families should not have to sit down to an empty table. Seniors should not have to choose between paying bills and food. Access to healthy food makes all of the difference.
A huge thank you to UnitedHealthcare for ensuring that hunger doesn’t have to happen.