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Corporate Donor of the Month: Expedia

Food Lifeline is honored to announce Expedia as our October Corporate Donor of the Month! Expedia has been a longtime partner of Food Lifeline.

Expedia has generously contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer service in our Hunger Solutions Center, sorting and repacking nutritious foods. September 2020 was Expedia’s Month of Caring. Expedia provides all of their employees with the opportunity to join together to give their time and talents to make a meaningful contribution where they work and live.

As part of Expedia’s Month of Caring, Food Lifeline was fortunate to have multiple teams of Expedians including members of Expedia Group senior management team volunteer onsite at Food Lifeline.

Katherine Cheng, Head of Global and Community Impact at Expedia Group says “Food Lifeline has been a long-time partner of Expedia Group. Our employees have always appreciated the work that Food Lifeline does to help food-insecure individuals in our communities, particularly during the added stress of COVID. We want to do what we can to help Food Lifeline get food to those who need it the most.”

Thank you Expedia Group for supporting Food Lifeline and congratulations on being selected as our October Corporate Donor Of The Month.