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Congressman Larsen Ready to Fight Summer Hunger

Representative Rick Larsen of Washington’s 2nd District, along with Alaska’s Don Young, is sponsoring the Summer Meals Act of 2014, a bill that will help expand current programs that provide nutritious meals for children throughout the summer. During the summer, families are unable to rely on the free and reduced lunch programs they use during the school year.

Child enjoys banana at summer meals siteMany local governments and community-based organizations receive reimbursement from the federal government to provide meals to children in need. However, due to federal regulations, it can be challenging to follow the numerous policies. The Summer Meals Act of 2014 aims to alleviate logistical barriers that organizations face in providing meals to children who participate in their educational and enrichment programs. Some of these measures include:

This legislation is a thoughtful response to the difficulties that charitable organizations face in meeting the nutrition needs of children across the United States. Guaranteeing food security for all children, regardless of family income ensures that educational achievement and lifelong health is an attainable reality in every community.

Think this legislation sounds like a good idea? Show your support for the Summer Meals Act by adding your name to our petition.