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Congress Considering Food Bank Donation Incentives

Tax policy is one of the innovative ways to allow businesses to donate large volumes of nutritious food to food banks throughout the country. Initially created in 1976, the current IRS code provides an incentive for businesses to donate food that would otherwise be wasted. A temporary expansion in 2006 allowed small businesses including many restaurants, retail, and produce suppliers to increase donations. 

Currently, Food Lifeline and our partners across the country are working to pass the bipartisan Good Samaritan Hunger Relief Tax Incentive Act which would:

These changes would create opportunities for the many businesses interested in donating food, rather than letting it go to waste, but for whom it isn’t financially feasible. In Washington, especially, with our rich and robust agricultural economy the potential is great. Additionally, it would also reward the businesses who do currently donate to us by helping ease the financial burden.

Currently, both the Senate and the House have versions of this legislation pending. It looks most likely that they will vote on the bills following mid-term elections in November before the new congress is sworn in. Stay tuned for how you can support our efforts to move these bills forward!