Beef Counts Brings Protein to Those in Need
Fortunately, cattle ranchers and feeders across Washington joined together in 2010 with Second Harvest and Food Lifeline to meet this need. Each year Washington’s Beef Community raises thousands of dollars to supply beef to Second Harvest and Food Lifeline to battle local hunger. Over one million servings of high quality beef have reached hungry families with children, and seniors who need the nutrition found in beef to be healthy.
You can join Washington’s beef community in the fight against hunger. Here are three easy ways to get involved:
- Buy beef and fight hunger: Choose Double R Ranch Beef at your local Haggen store March 1-28. Your purchase supports a $25,000 Beef Counts donation from Double R Ranch, Haggen, and Washington’s Beef Community.
- Donate at the store: Bring a $5 Beef Counts donation tag from meat counter up to the cash register to join the effort! That $5 donation will provide another six servings of protein-rich beef to food bank clients served by Food Lifeline partners.
- Donate online: You can help now to get high-quality protein to families in need.