September is Hunger Action Month! Learn more


Anti-Hunger Advocates Take Olympia By Storm!

Another Hunger Action Day has come and gone, and as always, it was a day full of action and passion! Each year, the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition organizes an energetic lobby day that brings together anti-hunger advocates from across the state. Created as a day to help people speak directly to their elected officials, Hunger Action Day brought over 100 passionate advocates to Olympia on Monday, January 23.

The morning kicked off with invigorating speeches by anti-hunger champions, Representatives Zack Hudgins and Monica Stonier. Following their speeches, the Representatives revealed House Resolution 4605, which recognizes the importance of combating child hunger and honors anti-hunger advocates. Next, a panel of speakers gave activists an overview of the day’s agenda and the anti-hunger programs and legislation they would be lobbying for in their coming meetings. The morning wrapped up with Nancy Amidei, with the University of Washington’s Civic Engagement Project, who helped inspire attendees with the power of advocacy.

After getting revved up in the morning, advocates spent the afternoon meeting with their elected officials. Personal stories about how hunger touches their lives were shared. Crucial anti-hunger legislation, like Breakfast After the Bell, was discussed. The passion that advocates, old and new alike, brought was palpable all over the Capitol Campus. All-in-all, Hunger Action Day was, once again, a successful day that brought advocates together to raise awareness and end hunger in Washington State.

If you weren’t able to make it to Hunger Action Day this year, you can still speak out against hunger by contacting your elected officials and asking them to support anti-hunger programs.