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A Young Man In The School Of “Life”

This is where Harrison’s story began with Bread of Life Mission. It’s morning. A can of Sprite and a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast because Harrison does not like, “cardboard” cereal.

“Life sucks, I messed up…Badly…Let my family down,” Harrison says quietly.

Harrison is a twenty-two year old who arrived at Bread of Life to be a Resident Volunteer. His mother sent him because he’s an adult, and he needed to learn about responsibility and finding a path. Harrison came from Chicago eight years ago. He has attended many different high schools without graduating. “I hate school,” he says.

When Harrison was three, doctors discovered a brain tumor during a routine treatment for an eye infection. Surgery removed the tumor, but he lost his depth perception, peripheral vision, and he can only identify a limited range of colors.

“Isn’t it weird, that I love art and colors?” he says, while filling the lines of a candy cane lollipop drawing with bright colors.

Here we have a young man, completely out of his element, surrounded by grown men who have decades of harsh street life experience, yet they have taken him under their wing. This is Harrison’s opportunity to learn in the school of life. He only needs to take ownership of his destiny.

After a few bumpy weeks adjusting to his daily responsibilities at Bread of Life, following directions, mopping floors, doing dishes and serving meals, Harrison is finally in his element. He has settled in at Bread of Life as a Resident Volunteer and is also working.

Harrison found employment as a seller of the weekly paper, Real Change. After completing his daily chores at The Mission, Harrison takes his place on a busy street corner for a few hours in Pioneer Square. During his first week he sold 10 newspapers! This week has been a little slower, but Harrison is optimistic, and he believes his best days are ahead of him!

If you see Harrison in Pioneer Square, please say, “Hello!”

Bread of Life Mission is a Food Lifeline partner.
Learn how you can help end hunger for people like Harrison.