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2023 Washington State Legislative Session Summary

By Aaron Czyzewski
Director, Advocacy & Public Policy

Each year, Food Lifeline sets out to work with legislative champions in Olympia and Washington DC on policies to solve hunger problems, protect successful safety net programs, and secure new investments for hunger relief efforts. We are happy to report progress in all these areas during the 2023 Washington State Session.

Importantly, Food Lifeline recognizes our advocates and supporters, including partners that helped make this body of work possible: Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition, Balance Our Tax Code Coalition, Faith Action Network, Feeding Washington, Northwest Harvest, Racial Equity Team, Second Harvest, Senior Citizens Lobby, Statewide Poverty Action Network, United Way of King County, Washington Anti-Poverty Advocates, Washington Food Coalition, Washington Coalition for Police Accountability, Washington State Department of Agriculture, Washington Student Association, Working Families Tax Credit Coalition, and the Food Fighters Legislative Caucus.


The 2023 Washington State Legislature took measured steps to expand free school meals to more than 90,000 students and continue investments in hunger relief by funding nutrition programs with the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Additionally, a special supplemental budget request was passed to provide $28 million for emergency food purchases, senior meals, and fruit & vegetable incentives. Noteworthy is the support we have from first term lawmakers and the growing caucus of state representatives, known as the “Food Fighters,” who champion issues in support of hunger relief in Washington.

Importantly, the legislature directed significant funding for affordable housing and homelessness. To a lesser extent, poverty reduction and much needed community investment. The need remains prominent for progressive revenue and tax code reform that creates the racial and economic justice necessary to end hunger.

Equity & Social Justice

Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will consider policy measures which focus on racial equity & social justice for vulnerable and low-income children, adults, and seniors, with emphasis on families of color, immigrant, and under-resourced communities.

Outcome: WIN. HB 1048, Rep Scarlett Mena | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1513, Rep Chipalo Street | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1025, Rep My-Linh Thai | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1541, Rep Darya Farivar | Bipartisan vote? Yes (House vote only)

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1445, Rep Drew Hansen | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1579, Rep Monica Stonier | Bipartisan vote? No


Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will consider policy measures that end conditions of poverty, especially concerning household stability, affordable housing, living wage employment, and related essential needs.

Outcome: LOSS. HB 1045, Rep Liz Berry | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: WIN. HB 1447, Rep Strom Peterson | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome (Funding): WIN. SB 5200, Capital budget | Bipartisan vote? Yes | $525.5M

Outcome (Policy): WIN. HB 1260, Rep Emily Alvarado | Bipartisan vote? Yes

Outcome (Policy): WIN. HB 1474, Rep Jamila Taylor | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome (Funding): WIN. SB 5187, Operating budget | Bipartisan vote? No

Includes: 8% increase in the Aged, Blind and Disabled cash grant, permanent ongoing increase of $26.5 million for the Housing and Essential Needs rental assistance program, ongoing homeless services increase of 6.5%, which is a $45 million investment in WA frontline provider workforce, $5 million for eviction prevention and increased funding for tenant’s right to counsel.

Food Systems

Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will consider measures that improve food justice, food systems resiliency, and operational capacity for hunger relief.

Outcome: PARTIAL WIN. SB 5187, Operating budget, WSDA budget request | $35M (biennium)

Outcome: WIN. SB 5200, Capital Budget| $499K for South Seattle Community Food Hub

Outcome: WIN. HB 1784, Rep Mia Gregerson | Bipartisan vote? Yes | $28M (one-time)

Outcome: Not addressed this session.

Outcome: WIN. SB 5187, Operating budget| Bipartisan vote? No | $30M (biennium)

Outcome: WIN. HB 1499, Rep Clyde Shavers | Bipartisan vote? Yes

Hunger, Health, and Wellbeing

Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will consider measures that positively impact the health of people experiencing hunger in community, educational, work, and healthcare settings.

Outcome: N/A | Issue addressed with We Feed WA listed above

Outcome: WIN. SB 5187, Operating budget | Bipartisan vote? No | $6M (one-time increase)

Nutrition Assistance

Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will prioritize measures that seek to fund and improve equity, access, adequacy, and participation across state and federal nutrition assistance resources.

Outcome: WIN. HB 1238, Rep Marcus Riccelli, Sen T’wina Nobles | Bipartisan vote? Yes | $23M

Outcome: WIN. SB 5187, Operating budget | $59M (one-time, for CEP uptake)

Outcome: WIN. HB 1559, Rep Debra Entenman | Bipartisan vote? No

Outcome: WIN. HB 1009, Military Spouse Employment, Rep Mari Leavitt | Bipartisan vote? Yes

Outcome: WIN. HB 1346, Purple Star Award, Rep Clyde Shavers| Bipartisan vote? Yes

Tax Policy

Food Lifeline Platform: Food Lifeline will consider measures that promote equity and fairness in Washington’s tax code and create more opportunity for community investment.

Outcome: WIN. HB 1477, Rep My-Linh Thai | Bipartisan vote? Yes

Outcome: LOSS. SB 5486, Sen Noel Frame | Bipartisan vote? No


Total Appropriations: ~$776,499,000

For more information:
Aaron Czyzewski, Director, Advocacy & Public Policy |
Katrina Johnson, Advocacy Campaigns |
Alicya Pearson, Community Action Organizer |